About Us


The Guiding Matrix

What is The Guiding Matrix?

The name “The Guiding Matrix” was chosen to reflect the comprehensive and interconnected approach we take in supporting coaches.


In simple terms, guiding means helping or leading someone to reach a goal or find their way. It involves providing direction, advice, and support to ensure they stay on the right path and achieve what they aim for.


In simple terms, a matrix is like a grid or a table that helps organize and connect different pieces of information or parts of a system. Think of it as a framework that shows how different things are related to each other, making it easier to see the big picture and understand how everything fits together.

Comprehensive Framework
Interconnected Support
Guidance and Direction
Strategic and Systematic Approach
Holistic Development

Our Mission

At The Guiding Matrix, our mission is to empower coaches to thrive by providing a structured, interconnected, and comprehensive support system. We guide coaches through the multifaceted nature of their profession, helping them balance their passion for coaching with the demands of running a successful business. Our approach ensures that coaches are not only skilled practitioners but also proficient business leaders, capable of sustaining and growing their practices.

In practical terms, we help coaches to embrace their inner CEO to lead, grow and scale their coaching business. With a great CEO, Coaches can flourish and have a powerful impact on their clients – doing what they love. Once a Coach has build a successful coaching business, then our partnership attention turns to legacy and business continuity. In this way, we help Owners prepare for exit of their business, while protecting the brand and market position that they have created. 

The Guiding Matrix supports all stages of a Coaching Business Lifecycle. 



Discover how we can help you balance your roles and achieve success.

The Story Behind The Guiding Matrix

Dr Steve Jeffs
Founder / CEO​
Multi Award Winning Master Coach & Psychologist.

Steve’s Story

Identifying the Need
While his journey with Coaching started much earlier, Steve became a professional coach in 2008. As a professional, he dedicated himself to mastering the art of coaching, working with top-tier clients, and establishing a reputation as an expert in the field. Steve was able to build some wonderful business partnerships that allowed him to work on some high-profile leadership development programs, and to coach people at the top of organisations and governments. Working hard, Steve achieved his Master Coach Credential, and won numerous international awards as a coaching leader.
Despite his success, Steve recognized a critical issue: while many coaches were so passionate about coaching, they forgot to pay attention to their business. He saw many coaches swing from feast to famine in their coaching, finding themselves either busy with coaching, or busy having to find new clients. Unable to systematise their business, this often led to burnout and frustration, with talented coaches abandoning their dreams and returning to traditional jobs.
The Turning Point
Steve’s epiphany came from his own experience of focusing intensely on becoming a great coach while neglecting the business side of his practice. He realized that without a balanced approach, where coaching and business management skills are equally prioritized, even the most talented coaches could fail. This insight was the catalyst for connecting with his co-founder, Erwin de Grave.

Erwin De Grave
Founder / CEO​
M&A Investor & Business Mentor.

Erwin’s Story

From Consultancy to Coaching
Erwin’s career in consultancy spanned over 15 years, during which he specialized in business strategy, systems, and processes. This experience allowed him to see the stark reality of the coaching industry: while many coaches excelled in their practice, they often faltered when it came to running their businesses effectively. Erwin recognized that the competitive nature of the coaching field required coaches to adopt a triple role—not just as coaches but also as business Owner and CEO.

Identifying the Need
Erwin’s insights into the coaching industry were further sharpened by his own experiences. He observed that many coaches lived in a bubble, disconnected from the harsh realities of market competition. The frequent sight of talented coaches struggling to sustain their businesses despite their skills was a call to action for Erwin. He knew that to succeed, coaches needed to embrace the reality of their industry, adopt a CEO mindset, and run their coaching practices as businesses.

The Turning Point:
The turning point came when Erwin met Steve Jeffs at an acquisition mastermind event. Steve, already a prominent figure in the coaching industry, shared Erwin’s concerns and ambitions. The synergy between Erwin’s consultancy expertise and Steve’s coaching mastery was immediately evident. They realized that together, they could create a comprehensive solution that addressed both the coaching and business needs of their peers.


Creating The Guiding Matrix

The Guiding Matrix draws on the complementary skills and experiences of its two founders. Steve brings a deep understanding of coaching dynamics and years of business experience, as a Master Coach, Coach Trainer, supervisor and entrepreneur. Erwin brings decades of consulting expertise in designing and developing business systems supported by his own experience as a professional coach. Both Steve and Erwin have owned and run their own The Guiding Matrix draws on the complementary skills and experiences of its two founders. Steve brings a deep understanding of coaching dynamics and years of business experience, as a Master Coach, Coach Trainer, supervisor and entrepreneur. Erwin brings decades of consulting expertise in designing and developing business systems supported by his own experience as a professional coach. Both Steve and Erwin have owned and run their own businesses as well as holding leadership roles in larger companies.

Together they bring the experience, knowledge, and expertise to help you transform your business. The Guiding Matrix is not just a resource; it’s a partnership designed to transform your coaching practice into a successful, scalable business. A true synergy, The Guiding Matrix builds upon the wisdom and experience of Coach, CEO and Business Owner – to help you have the business that will give you the life that you want.

Our Commitment to You.

At The Guiding Matrix, we understand that your passion lies in coaching, not in the intricacies of business operations. That’s why our approach is holistic, offering you a seamless blend of coaching enhancement and business management. From learning how to manage finances and marketing to understanding client relations and pricing strategies, we cover every aspect to ensure your coaching business flourishes.

Our programs are crafted to meet you where you are, whether you’re a coach in training or an established professional looking to elevate your practice. Through masterminds, online courses, and personalized mentorship, we provide a roadmap tailored to your unique journey.


Join Us in This Journey!

We invite you to be part of our vision—a world where coaches are not just skilled in their craft but are also empowered business leaders. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, transforming lives through coaching while building successful, sustainable businesses.

The Guiding Matrix is more than just a platform, it’s more than just a program; it’s a movement!

Join us, and let’s make a lasting impact.